ABP Live, India's leading news network, offers the official ABP Live App to bring you the latest and top news in English, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu languages all under one umbrella. With ABP Live, you can easily access Live TV of all ABP news channels on the app.
Get the latest updates, breaking, and trending stories from India and the World on Sports, Bollywood, States, Politics, Tech, and much more. Enjoy detailed coverage of elections, cricket, and other events.
Watch ABP Live TV on the app anywhere and anytime. The app provides comprehensive coverage of events happening across India and around the world in English and 7 other languages. We cover all breaking news and send you alerts for national, international, local, states, sports, Bollywood, politics, crime, religion, and world news.
Download our app on your smartphone now and watch Live TV to get all the latest updates on the upcoming 2025 Delhi Assembly Election. Stay informed on the detailed coverage of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy and the World Test Championship from wherever you are. Read all the latest news about BJP, Congress, AAP, and I.N.D.I.A. bloc during elections, watch Live TV 24x7, view videos, and see the latest pictures. We feature real-time Live TV from India’s No. 1 News Channels with detailed coverage of elections, sports events, and global news.
Our top channels are:
ABP News (Hindi)
ABP Live (English)
ABP Ananda (Bengali)
ABP Asmita (Gujarati)
ABP Majha (Marathi)
ABP Nadu (Tamil)
ABP Ganga (News from Uttar Pradesh/Uttarakhand)
ABP Desam (Telugu)
Top Features of the ABP Live App:
Languages: Choose your preferred language and read the news in English, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, and Punjabi.
Live TV: Watch the 24x7 live TV stream of ABP News TV in Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil, and from the Ganga region.
ABP Manch: Like, comment, and share your opinions on various topics. This is a Beta release and requires logging in via Google, Facebook, or native access.
Audio: You can turn on the audio mode and listen to the news without streaming the video.
Video: Watch videos, discussions, and analysis from top journalists.
News Notification: Set notifications as per your convenience so that you get news alerts only when you want.
Latest, Trending & Breaking News: Get the latest and breaking news updates from India and around the world.
Get all trending news coverage on cricket, politics, entertainment, technology, and global events. Stay updated with the latest developments in business, health, lifestyle, and much more, ensuring you are always informed about the topics that matter most.