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“La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah”
Gives a chance to visit sacred place of Mecca.
We bring you Masjid al-Haram - Kaaba, 3D virtual tour, where you can checkout an overview of Mecca. The app will make you feel as if you are there. Just touch and drag to the direction you want to look. or choose different viewpoints and see the animated and directed views with the great azan playing on the background.
Mecca houses the Masjid al-Haram, the largest mosque in the world. The mosque surrounds the Kaaba, which Muslims turn towards while offering daily prayer. This mosque is also commonly known as the Haram or Grand Mosque.
A pilgrimage to Mecca, known as the Hajj, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and thus obligatory for all Muslims with the physical and financial ability to make it. Over three million Muslims visit the city during the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah yearly. Visits outside this month are known as minor pilgrimages or Umrah, and while not compulsory are strongly encouraged. This is also the place where the Prophet Muhammad was born. Mecca also has a very rich history as it is a very old city which has been considered sacred since the early middle ages. It is also the birthplace of Islam and is the most sacred.
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