Bundle ID: com.tencent.ig
Support: http://www.facebook.com/PUBGMOBILE
Privacy Policy: http://pubgmobile.proximabeta.com/privacy.html
iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pubg-mobile/id1330123889
Developer: Tencent Mobile International Limited
Genres: Action, Strategy, Games
Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Capabilities: arm64
Content Ratings: 12+, Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence
Released: Mar 17, 2018
Photo Library: Allow APP to save pictures to albums
Photo Add: Allow APP to save pictures to albums
Calendar: Allow adding schedule reminders to your calendar, you can turn off this permission at any time in the device settings.
Microphone: The app needs your microphone permission to record video
Camera: App needs your consent to access the camera
Reminders: Allow adding schedule reminders to your calendar, you can turn off this permission at any time in the device settings.
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