Bundle ID: com.lightricks.Enlight-Video
Website: http://videoleapapp.com/
Support: http://videoleapapp.com/
Privacy Policy: https://static.lightricks.com/legal/privacy-policy.pdf
iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/app/videoleap-ai-video-editor/id1255135442
Developer: Lightricks Ltd.
Genres: Photo & Video, Graphics & Design
Compatibility: Requires iOS 15.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Capabilities: arm64
Content Ratings: 12+, Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity , Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humour , Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence , Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References , Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence , Infrequent/Mild Horror/Fear Themes and Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes
Released: Sep 15, 2017
BG Location: We need to know your location to geotag your media
Photo Library: To edit your own media, allow access to your photos
Apple Music: To use your own music, allow access to your music library
Microphone: Allow microphone access to use audio recording
Camera: Allow camera access to use video recording
Speech Recog: Allow speech recognition access used for the auto captions feature
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