Precision-matched candidates
MixRank uses comprehensive data from more than 750 million candidates and 150+ data points to build and maintain a database of qualified candidates, whether they’re actively seeking positions or not.
Get an edge over the competition
Be the first to know when someone changes a job, or adds something to their profile. Simply offer a better experience because you’re getting the best data.
Unparalleled data delivery and engineering
API, flat file, or hosted database? MixRank’s got you. Our 100% on-premise data warehousing means we’re able to offer performance at unheard of costs. We’ve been in the data space for over a decade, and we’ve built our own file systems and open-source tooling to handle the data.
Get more dimensions to the data
Want niche data? We offer support for niche social profiles, and other data points that can help you stand out to employers that want as much information as possible, to better qualify candidates.
750M+ candidate profiles, updated 135M times a month.
Data delivered every hour, for highest profile freshness.
Key data points to help qualify candidates better for employees.
Enrich profiles with more information and niche data points.
Map existing data to MixRank’s database using proprietary solutions.
Keep track of actively recruiting companies, by analyzing job posts.
Web Tech Detections
Mobile SDK Detections
Employee Profile Scan
Companies Indexed
Data Processed by MixRank
Job Posts Added
Want to see the data? No credit card required. We’ll give you a free data sample, set you up with an API key, or give you access to our hosted database.
MixRank sources this data from publicly available web pages, and platforms. There are a number of sources — some you’d recognize and some you wouldn’t — to build a valuable dataset for your recruitment platform. Why don’t we name names? Well, then we’d reveal our secret sauce. Give it a try and see for yourself how accurate and powerful MixRank is.
We like straight answers to straight questions, but the truth is, it’s hard to answer this question because the price varies with exactly what you want, how you want access, and how long you want access for. We invite you to join us for a quick no-pressure call where we can review our pricing structure with you.
Talk to us! We love hearing about what you’re building, and want to help. We work with some of the most fascinating engineering teams across organizations, and have insights on what works for which use-case. Simply leave us a message at and we’ll get back to you.