Music Tiles 3:Anime Piano Game Music Tiles 3:Anime Piano Game

  • Data Used to Track the User

      • Identifiers
        • Device ID
          Such as the device’s advertising identifier, or other device-level ID
      • Usage Data
        • Advertising Data
          Such as information about the advertisements the user has seen

  • Data Not Linked to the User

    • App Functionality
      • Diagnostics
        • Crash Data
          Such as crash logs
        • Performance Data
          Such as launch time, hang rate, or energy use
        • Other Diagnostic Data
          Any other data collected for the purposes of measuring technical diagnostics related to the app

    • Third-Party Advertising
      • Identifiers
        • Device ID
          Such as the device’s advertising identifier, or other device-level ID
      • Usage Data
        • Advertising Data
          Such as information about the advertisements the user has seen

Data Types & Linkage

Data Not Linked to the User Data Used to Track the User
Crash Data
Performance Data
Device ID
Advertising Data
Other Diagnostic Data

Data Types & Purpose

Data Used to Track the User
Third-Party Advertising
App Functionality
Crash Data
Performance Data
Device ID
Advertising Data
Other Diagnostic Data